Through setting up a hands-on interactive art making station during the 2022 Art in the Open event, organized by the Center for Emerging Visual Artists in Philadelphia, a public collaboration was established where participants were invited to create watercolor washes and collagraph prints. Many of the paintings and prints were collaged into the final pieces which each draw attention to Philadelphia transforming a public health crisis into an extensive public works opportunity. Through the use of these watercolor washes, prints, and the microscopic imagery of the yellow fever virus, combined with historic photographs and technical drawings, and images of light reflecting on the river, the project addresses the history between the yellow fever outbreak of 1793 and the development of the Fairmount Water Works facility on the Schuylkill River. This related augmented reality animation was available for viewing throughout the duration of the event on the grounds of the Fairmount Waterworks park as well.
All images copyright of Steve Rossi.